01302 744499
Steph Croxford Clinic
Monday 26th June, 2023
Riverside Equestrian Centre are thrilled to announce that Steph Croxford will be joining us on Monday 26th June.
Steph is an International Grand Prix Dressage rider with 19 years of both National and International Grand Prix experience. She has trained 3 horses up from youngster to International Grand Prix and I have competed all over Europe in Nations Cups, World Cups and CDIs. Steph is now on her forth Grand Prix horse who is currently competing at Middle Tour level.
Steph will give 40 minute individual training sessions within the indoor or outdoor (depending on weather), cost = £70 each. Sessions are available on a first come, first served basis and we recommend booking well in advance to avoid disappointment.
If you are interested in booking a slot, please drop us a message using the button below to check availability and for payment details.